CEO & Board of Directors - Succession & Appointment

Professional and personal integrity as the highest value of corporate governance.

HR aspects of corporate governance are complex and demanding because they must adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethics. The constitution of supervisory boards and the appointment of executives are processes that are always scrutinized by shareholders and regulatory authorities, often exposed to the wider public through media coverage. To make optimal HR management decisions, nomination procedures must be conducted independently, professionally, and without reproach.

Our services include the following steps:

  • Identifying and considering potentially suitable candidates.
  • Verifying compliance with formal requirements in accordance with the Companies Act, the Company's Articles of Association, regulator recommendations, and other relevant documents.
  • Methodological assessment of personality suitability and motivation, adequacy of professional knowledge, and alignment of references with the expectations of the target position.
  • Participation in interviews conducted by the Board of Directors, the HR committee, or management.
  • Preparing a final report on the suitability of candidates.
  • Conducting a compatibility assessment of potentially most suitable candidates with existing members.

We ensure the high-quality execution of the process and the presence of consultants with a rich array of personal references.

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