Employee evaluation

A comprehensive understanding of the employees you have and those you need is key to your success.

Every company's goal is to have good and dedicated employees, individuals who successfully perform their duties, add significant value to the company, and exhibit universal human values of mutual respect, assistance, and a positive attitude in their behavior.

To succeed in the long term, a company must be able to identify key personnel, retain them in today's rapidly changing world, and attract talent from the labor market.

We support you in recognizing and understanding the full potential of your current and future key employees, fostering enhanced synergy by aligning your expectations with theirs.

Our methodology enables a comprehensive, reliable, and objective evaluation of individuals' current strengths, potential, and any limitations they may have. It is based on professional guidelines set in the context of over 15 years of experience in the field, which have revealed many enduring and emerging patterns in HR challenges within companies.

The purpose or goal of this type of evaluation is:

  • assessing the individual's current development stage (which job positions or types of work and environments are currently suitable for the candidate / employee),
  • evaluating the individual's potential (which job positions / types of work and environments they can be suitable for),
  • providing guidance for strategic development  based on individual's preferences, potential developmental limitations and current and future company needs (what to do with the individual to keep them satisfied and ensure long-term optimal values to the company).

Employee evaluation is beneficial in both selection and development processes, as it helps you make informed decisions and thereby minimize the risks that inevitably accompany such processes.