Transformational onboarding

For most employers, the HR process concludes with selecting a person for a vacant position, whether it's hiring a new employee or promoting/transferring an existing one. In practice, however, things often don't go as smoothly as expected, resulting in dissatisfaction on the employer's side and high levels of stress for the employee.

Transformational onboarding is a program for integrating new employees into an organization or redefining the role of an existing employee with the aim of better managing the risks that arise during the integration process of an individual into a specific team or organization. With every change in a team, the dynamics among its members change as well. An effectively executed program can transform both the individual and the team toward achieving the highest possible synergies.

Understanding and functioning within an organization are influenced by various factors, including personality traits, preferences, acquired knowledge and skills, environmental development influences, experiences in different types of companies or management policies, ongoing or current motivational forces, and general market, economic, and domestic conditions. Merely addressing an individual through a job interview or simpler forms of psychometric testing does not provide the best answer in assessing the employment risk, considering integration with a specific leader or team.

The gap between expectations during the hiring phase and the actual situation post-employment may be due to partial or subjective perception of key points in the HR process by the entity leading the process: from the available candidate pool to the beliefs of those involved in the selection process, to the culture of integrating a new person into the organization, as well as monitoring and evaluating the success of integration.

The process of transformational onboarding enables new employees and their leaders to:

  • Take the right initial steps.
  • Avoid the most common problems that can occur during the onboarding process of a new person.
  • Effectively communicate at various levels of the organization.
  • Maintain a balance between assimilating into the positive elements of the existing organizational culture and transforming that culture in the desired direction.


The program is suitable for integrating new employees at all organizational levels, but it is especially recommended for onboarding key personnel, where rapid and successful integration is crucial.

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